Industry Supporters

The Needle’s Eye

Founded in May 1930, The Needle’s Eye was published bi-monthly as a printed magazine by the Chicago-based Union Special Machine Company, the leading builder of industrial sewing machines. After sixty-eight years, and the final version produced in June of 1998, Union Special ceased publication. In 2018 upon retirement as Managing Director of the SPESA Association, Dave Gardner, the current Editor/Publisher, was awarded exclusive rights by Union Special to relaunch The Needle’s Eye. Today, The Needle’s Eye is published monthly in email newsletter format and is archived on the accompanying website: The Needle’s Eye touches on a little of the history of the sewn products industry while reporting on the current news, technologies, research, events, sustainability, and supply chains along with the manufacturers, suppliers, educators, and leaders who drive the global textile, fashion apparel, and sewn products industries.
